Humanity Film Global Network
Today, independent filmmakers around the world are faced with a variety of concerns that often cannot be resolved. They have thousands of ideas about humanitarian and humanitarian issues that they can’t portray, they see a lot of humanitarian issues, they read in the press and they want to talk about them but they can’t and their governments don’t support them at all. In some cases, they also oppose the production and production of these works and prevent them from producing them or even cause the filmmaker and producer a lot of problems, including arrest, threats, … commercial producers. Because of the low profitability of these films, they refrain from participating in the production of these films with these ideas alone, they spend their days in the night with regret, and this is a common theme throughout the world and among all independent filmmakers.
Some of these filmmakers are also struggling to make their film with very limited budget but with a lot of hassle and with personal budgets, they face a bigger problem after production and the problem of showing and distributing the work. That is why the broadcasters are still reluctant to show and play this kind of work, and they still prefer financial issues to humanitarian issues and are reluctant to support these films.
Our founder and manager of this global network does not exclude himself from these issues, and he has faced problems in his home country for more than fifteen years and has faced many stories of this kind. As a human rights activist, he wrote the idea of a global network of independent filmmakers working on humanitarian issues under the Institute’s activities in 2016, and since then we worked on the structure of the global network and its technical and production infrastructure for three years.
and This global network was launched with the following main objectives:
– Forming a global family of independent filmmakers active in humanitarian and world peace
– Relationship between independent filmmakers for information exchange, mutual cooperation in film and documentary production and media support for each other.
– Relationship between international organizations and NGOs active in the humanitarian field with independent filmmakers around the world in support of fiction, documentary and animation projects with humanitarian issues
– Humanitarian Independent Films Online Screening Network for the general public in the world, specialized in informing humanitarian issues and defending the principles of international human rights through cinema and media
– Supporting independent cinema as an independent and honest language in defense of the principles of human rights
– Promote artistic, media and cinematic humanitarian activities
– Creating a professional cinematic archive of independent cinematographic works on topics related to human rights, human rights violations and humanitarian activities
This global network will be unveiled on December 10th as “Human Rights International Day”, and filmmakers from all over the world can share their activities, works and ideas with one another, take advantage of group chat rooms and use Get technical information from each other, use the network’s specialized monthly for free, and publish their own specialized articles in the magazine, as well as registering their works that have published and specialized network rules, using the network’s display environment. And show their videos on the show network.
Join us and for more information before official start, you can contact with : office@humanityfilm.com